Sick student guidelines

Going to school every day is important for all school aged tamariki (children). It helps build their confidence and social skills, and to achieve their education and life ambitions. 

This information helps you decide when it is okay to send your child to school, when you should keep your child at home and when you should contact a health professional for advice.

To show care for other students and staff at Wharepapa South School the following criteria has been developed in response to Health NZ’s guidance for parents: knowing if your child is well enough to go to school. 

These guidelines have been developed to ensure that your child is completely well before returning to school and therefore less likely to become unwell again. The guidelines are also in place to protect other ākonga (students) and the staff at Wharepapa South School.


At Wharepapa South School, we ensure student medication is kept securely and taken appropriately. This policy applies to prescription and non-prescription medication:

Up-to-date Parent / Emergency Contact information for your child