We welcome campers at Wharepapa South School.  We are very fond of the scenery here and we think you will be too. 

Facilities on offer:

A flushing toilet, running drinkable water, a food storage cupboard, picnic tables and a cold shower.

During the summer months our pool is also available for use.

Things to note:

All rubbish is to be taken with you, we do not provide bins. 

No camping during school hours, your tent etc are welcome to stay here, however we expect you will be away rock climbing or adventure while our Akonga (students) are at school.

Please treat our space with respect and remember you are often sharing this area with other people.

Camping is $10 per person, per night and goes directly toward funding our second Teacher for the kura (school).

Bank account for campers: 12-3134-0064927-51

Freedom Campers

Freedom campers are welcome to use our camping facilities. Upon arrival please scan the QR code at the campers gate (a little further down than our main gate) and you will be linked to our web page.


For schools or group bookings please email in return you will receive a 'casual campers agreement'. Once this is signed, please send a copy back. Once your stay is over, please email us confirming numbers and dates stayed, and we will invoice you accordingly.